一个错误,她从九天之上纨绔无情的小殿下变成了人间不受宠的叶家大小姐。没了权势?没关系,她依旧横行。没了身体?没关系,抢个就好。只是这个长相妖孽,性格暴虐的太子殿下,到底是不是九天之上出了名的废物?和心上人一模一样的祭祀大人,又是从哪来的?还有那个性格一言难尽的武林高手,你是武林高手,不是采花高手,啊!喂——你的手。More Pricks Than Kicks
His first published work of fiction (1934), More Pricks Than Kicks is a set of ten interlocked stories, set in Dublin and involving their adrift hero Belacqua in a series of encounters, as woman after woman comes crashing through his solipsism. More Pricks contains in embryo the centrifugal world of Beckett's men and women. She lifted the lobster clear of the table. It had about thirty seconds to live. Well, thought Belacqua, it's a quick death, God help us all. It is not.酷帅父子档:捡回来的极品妻