本文属【另类穿越皇后系列】第三部:穿越前,我十五岁,是学啥啥不会的差等生。穿越后,我九岁,是人人谈之色变的恶魔女。某日,我一时兴起,趴在爹爹背上说:“我要当皇后。”爹爹吓得面无人色,战战兢兢地道:“爹爹只是个小税官,不能送你入宫。”我拍拍爹爹的肩膀,金口玉言:“爹爹,我等着你官拜丞相的那一天。”六年后,爹爹果真做了丞相,我被选为当朝皇后。封后之夜,新帝冷语:“十天后,送你去魔湖。”我揪住他的衣襟,逆天诅咒:“凤景天,你不得好死!”他像拎小鸡一样拎起我,凶恶万状:“皇后若敢逃跑,朕就将云家满门抄斩。”如果你穿越了,如果你穿越了还做了皇后;如果你做了皇后才知道你只有十天可以活,你是接受还是抗争?我——云安安,决不将自己的命运交由他人掌控。于是,封后第三天,我赐给他最心爱的女子一条白绫。★★★★安安D博客:http/m.wkkk.net安安已出版上市作品:《厨娘皇后》《花痴皇后》《狼烟起胭脂灭》Before He Feels (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 6)
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 900 five star reviews), comes book #6 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series.In BEFORE HE FEELS (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 6), FBI special agent Mackenzie White is stunned to be assigned a case with victims matching no profile she has ever seen: shockingly, all of the victims are blind.Does this mean that the killer himself is blind, too?Plunged into the subculture of the blind, Mackenzie struggles to understand, finding herself out of her element as she crisscrosses the state, racing from group homes to private houses, interviewing caretakers, librarians, experts and psychologists.And yet, despite the best minds in the country, Mackenzie seems unable to prevent the spree of killings.Has she finally met her match?向前进:一个青春时代的奋斗史