蓝琪自认为是个大美女,从小的追求者数不胜数,所以她觉得自己这辈子都不会为男人头疼,直到有一天,她惊愕的发现,那个从小被她欺负得惨兮兮,个性好,脾气好,学习好。。。。。似乎没什么不好的“呆子”突然摇身一变,变成了一个谦和儒雅多金俊美的男人,她猛的不淡定了邵子宇从少年时期他就在计划一件事,如何对一个小丫头百依百顺,迁就纵容,惯得她极其挑剔,找不到男朋友。。他很腹黑但在她面前很呆画面一在第N次烂摊子被收拾好后,蓝琪勾着邵子宇的脖子“呆子,你一辈子给我欺负好不好,我怕再也找不到这么好欺负的人了”她一脸的担忧“嗯。。可是。。。”某男似乎很纠结“可是什么?”蓝琪双手勾脖子的撒娇动作改为掐,他敢说不,她就掐死他,也不便宜别的女人“。。我怕以后我的老婆会不同意”“那就掐死这种可能性,我当你老婆”某男低头收敛眼中的笑意“我。。。考虑考虑”二婆媳关系是个永恒的难题“说,我和你妈吵架你到底帮谁?别说哪个有理就帮那个?这不是演电视用不着你来当清官”房间里琪蓝双手插腰,美目圆瞪,一副严刑逼供的样子沙发上,邵子宇摆正姿态“原则上哪个有理帮哪个,但私底下我向着你老婆”某女的怒气收敛,挑眉“真的?”“嗯”“如果做不到怎么办?”“任凭老婆处置”“好,如果做不到我收拾你”此文一对一的宠文,女主美丽,可爱,刁钻,保证善良但不懦弱,男主,英俊潇洒,温柔腹黑,保证专情而又深情Once Cold (A Riley Paige Mystery—Book 8)
"A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone)ONCE COLD is book #8 in the bestselling Riley Paige mystery series, which begins with the #1 bestseller ONCE GONE (Book #1)—a free download with over 900 five star reviews!There is one cold case that has plagued Special Agent Riley Paige for her entire career, dwelling at the corners of her consciousness, forcing her to return to it again and again. The only case she has never solved, she has finally put it out of her mind.Until she gets a call from the murdered victim's mother.