乔舒雅嫁给了高富帅,新婚后,别的女人却登堂入室甩她一巴掌,“他娶你只是为了钱!”往日的甜蜜化为乌有,当她的车被狠狠撞飞,容颜被毁,是谁让她从幸福的顶端坠入仇恨的深渊?华丽转身,高调归来,她是否能涅磐重生?Could You Succeed as a Business Leader?
Have you ever thought about moving from an individual contributor role or management role into a business leadership role? Maybe it sounds like fun, but are you ready to take the plunge? Find out in this fun yet informative ebook that explores the ups and downs of business management. It also includes a short personality quiz to see if you have what it takes.