本书为你列举出了近百种咖啡,详细介绍了它们的特色,以及相关的知识和故事。它们或是浪漫感人,或是温馨动人,带你了解和熟悉咖啡的神奇魅力。书中还安排了一些咖啡爱好者的内容推荐,为介绍咖啡及与咖啡有关的新鲜事提供了平台。书中的创意部分会帮助你学到与咖啡有关的制作方法。为自己,为家人亲手煮上一杯浓情蜜意的咖啡吧,美味自不用说,单单那份做咖啡的心情就足以让人完全陶醉其中。口中品尝的是咖啡,而在心中品味的确是生活。入口苦涩,入喉甘甜,入心舒,生活之意尽显其中。如果你是一位热爱生活的人,那么你就很可能是一位喜欢咖啡的人。如果你心动了,那么就请你随我们一起来品味优质的的咖啡、品味雅致的生活吧。Double Tongue
With an introduction by Meg Rosoff William Golding's final novel, left in draft at his death, tells the story of a priestess of Apollo. Arieka is one of the last to prophesy at Delphi, in the shadowy years when the Romans were securing their grip on the tribes and cities of Greece. The plain, unloved daughter of a local grandee, she is rescued from the contempt and neglect of her family by her Delphic role. Her ambiguous attitude to the god and her belief in him seem to move in parallel with the decline of the god himself - but things are more complicated than they appear. "A remarkable work...A compelling storyteller as well as a clear-eyed philosopher of the dangerous puzzles of being human." (The Times). "A wonderful central character. The story stretches out as clean and dry and clear as the beach in Lord of the Flies."(Independent). "Feline, deadpan and at moments hilarious." (Observer).