“中国历史故事精选”系列作品分为4册,包括文治武攻、斗智斗勇、随机应变、雄才大略、神机妙算、足智多谋、运筹帷幄、别具慧眼、出奇制胜的故事、精明能干等智谋故事,内容宠大、史料丰富、情节入胜、叙述传神,引领着读者沿着中华祖先留下的历史足迹畅游浏览,使人在阅读欣赏中,感悟前人的智慧与神奇,引发今天的思考与遐想,从而充分领略中国历史文化的奇妙与伟大。第三册主要包括出奇制胜、以弱击强的破敌战,如三国时代魏灭蜀之战;破釜沉舟、以少战多的攻坚战,如明朝援朝抗日之战;劳师伐远、离强合弱的运动战,如清朝十里坡之战;蓄精集锐、重兵围攻的歼灭战,如成吉思汗统一之战。New and Selected Poems
This volume contains a selection of work from each of Seamus Heaney's published books of poetry up to and including the Whitbread prize-winning collection, "e;The Haw Lantern"e; (1987). 'His is 'close-up' poetry - close up to thought, to the world, to the emotions. Few writers at work today, in verse or fiction, can give the sense of rich, fecund, lived life that Heaney does' - John Banville. 'More than any other poet since Wordsworth he can make us understand that the outside world is not outside, but what we are made of' - John Carey.