雷洛,来自二十一世纪的华夏大地,一颗湛蓝的星球。他性格有些怪异,很少与人交朋友,一直想象着能到一个有魔法、有骑士、有巨龙、等待拯救的公主、有吟游诗人、有传说、有魔兽、有奇景的世界里去。然后,梦实现了。......“这本书是大法神、圣城城主莫洛伊魔法造诣的结晶。”“这本书里记载了所有类型的魔法,神圣的光之魔法;恐怖的死灵魔法,爆裂的火之魔法,苏生的木系魔法...无需学习,无需法力,持书者可以施展书中记载的所有魔法,且不用消耗自身的法力。”“这本书,是天域圣城的启动钥匙,所有圣城守卫都会听从持书人的指令。”“这本书...是我来到异世界过程中走大运拿到的。”“介绍一下我自己,我叫雷洛,我是一名勇...不,目前从实力上来讲,大概是魔王。”“我的目标呢,就是在这个世界,活出我想活的样子。”“拥有了莫洛伊秘典,乐子要找总有能找的方法嘛。”On the Loom
In On the Loom, Maryanne Moodie brings the ancient art of weaving to the modern day in a comprehensive guide packed with step-by-step tutorials and beautiful photography. Learn the basics of this simple and beautiful craft with valuable information on basic stitches, tools needed, and even how to make your own looms. Split by loom type—circular, rectangular, and even found objects—24 lush, bohemian, and uniquely modern projects for the home and to wear draw deeply on the nostalgic quality of vintage textiles. In addition to the how-to, this is the ultimate resource for finding your own creativity and style through this medium, from learning which materials to use for different effects to discovering how to use color to create vintage-inspired projects with a modern twist.弹性心态:让自己的内心强大起来