杀手界的奇葩,没错,就是她!别人都是冷血无情的杀手,但她不是。檀梵曾说过一句话:生命财可贵,美食价更高,若为美男故,一切皆可抛!和美男赛车,檀梵很不幸发生了意外……再次睁开双眼,漏雨的屋顶,透风的窗户,盖不着脚丫子的破棉被和断了一部分的烂桌子,靠啊,这是哪儿?不过,穿越嘛,多大点儿事儿,姐也是有一技之长的,饿不着,还很逍遥,听说古代盛产美男?那感情好啊,像美男这种生物,多多益善,养眼!谁知,见了某男以后,某女的眼睛就再也挪不开了。于是某女决定制定一套计划,套路某爷追妻!The Cry of the Owl
In a small Pennsylvania town, Robert Forrester is recuperating from a nasty divorce and a bout of psychological trouble. One evening, while driving home, he sees a pretty young woman framed by her bright kitchen window. Soon, he can't keep himself away. But when Robert is inevitably discovered, obsession is turned on its head, and he finds himself unable to shake the young woman, nor entirely sure whether he should. From Patricia Highsmith, once called "the balladeer of stalking" by The New Yorker, The Cry of the Owl is a modern classic ready to be reborn.