当一名宅女穿越,并且随身带着一个《大富翁》游戏的话,会有什么样的后果?后宫斗智?你太OUT了。得不到君王临幸,一张请神符请来几尊瘟神,让君王爽歪歪……那些阴险的女配?很有心计?没关系。本宅女没有心计,可是有大富翁系统。嗯。有核弹,飞弹,地雷,炸弹,选择哪个给女配用?危险?没关系,有时光机,倒退回五分钟前,免除一切危险。想探听小秘密?好说,有传送机,传送到任何地点儿。口袋里没钱了?有均富卡啊,对着皇帝用一把。不知道皇帝会不会把江山和本宅女平分呢?嗯。当一个系统降临到异世的时候,一切皆有可能。A Topps League Story
Chad's got the summertime blues: his parents want him to be home by midnight (no extra innings) and eat healthier (no corn dogs). His friend, Abby, has bobblehead issues. And then there's pinch hitter Sammy Solaris. But Sammy has problems of his own. He has a big swing but is too slow. If he can't speed up his running and stealing, he'll be off the team. There's got to be something Chad can do to save the day … with a little help from Dylan, a baseball card, and that porcupine!