二十三岁那一年,我爱上了十八岁的顾林。我以为这样的爱会是一辈子,一场宴席,一次流产,让我和他恩断义绝,我负气远走他乡。我又以为这样的恨,会持续一辈子。二十八岁这一年,我成了这座城市最臭名昭著的恶女。我在千百个男人中打转,游刃有余。我是城中最年轻的妈妈桑,黑白两道通吃,屹立不倒。人人都说我的背后是一群高官富商。谁都想不到,我大概是这世间,最清白的妈妈桑了……我的背后,只有一个甩不掉的男人而已,顾林,你把我当你的什么,到底怎么样才肯放过我?”--情节虚构,请勿模仿A Radiant Life
A Radiant Life presents the unequivocal voice of Nuala O'Faolain tackling a vast range of subjects from Catholicism to feminism, from Sinatra to Africa, and from Irish American culture to Islam and the West. Curious and funny, tender and scathing, O'Faolain's columns were never less than trenchant and were always passionate. "I was blinded by the habit of translating everything into personal terms," she writes apologetically, but this is the power of her journalism. Through the prism of casual, everyday encounters, O'Faolain presses her subject, reaching beyond the prompting of the moment to transcend topicality. The result is a cumulative historical narrative, an inadvertent chronicle of a transformed Ireland by one of its sharpest observers and canniest wkkk.net for A Radiant Life:"This book is a gift." -The Boston Globe