雪球是目前国内最专业的投资社交网络,致力于为投资者提供跨市场、跨品种的数据查询、新闻订阅和互动交流服务,目前已覆盖A股、港股和美股市场。作为雪球的核心用户,雪球里投资达人的投资理念是怎样的?在投资的道理上,他们有哪些宝贵的经验与大家分享?请看本期雪球专刊国庆特辑——《雪球达人秀》。A Topps League Story
Diego Prado has spent most of his time on the Pines' bench. But when Danny O'Brien goes on the disabled list, Diego gets a chance to play—and he's on a winning streak! Danny wants one of Chad's "magic" baseball cards to get back in the game. Diego wants to keep playing. What's a batboy to do?