美苏冷战以苏联瓦解美国的胜利告终。美国之战胜苏联更重要的原因是文化创新。本书重点研究高等教育写作训练体系转变与文学文化产业发展之间的关系,把美国战后创意写作学科发展史作为作为理解战后美国文学线索,解读创意写作的奥秘。来自于爱荷华写作工坊和斯坦福大学以及其他大量不断成长中的超过350个创意写作工坊的大量实例,汇成一部文学史巨著,让您开卷有益。The Rise of Germany, 1939-1941
The Second World War is one of the most significant conflicts in history, but for seven decades our understanding of the war has remained mostly fixed, framed by the accounts of participants and an early generation of historians. James Holland, one of the leading young historians of World War II, has spent over a decade conducting new research, interviewing survivors, and exploring archives that have never before been so accessible to unearth forgotten memoirs, letters, and official records. In The Rise of Germany, Holland draws on this research to reconsider the strategy, tactics, and economic, political, and social aspects of the war. The Rise of Germany is a masterful book that redefines our understanding of the opening years of World War II. Beginning with the lead-up to the outbreak of war in 1939 and ending in the middle of 1941 on the eve of Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi invasion of Russia, The Rise of Germany is a landmark history of the war on land, in the air, and at sea.