为什么有的人光彩照人,有的人却委靡不振?为什么有的人人见人爱,而有的人却人见人嫌?为什么有的人路路畅通、事事顺利,而有的人却时时遇堵、事事碰壁?秘密是气场!气场决定心态,气场影响形象,气场左右成败,气场改变命运。气场来自你的身体与心灵,是一个人散发出的一种能量。气场看不见,摸不着,但每时每刻都影响我们,改变我们的命运。你的气场是由你的精神创造的,你的命运是由你的内心决定的。气场与内心相互支撑,相互映射,塑造一个强大的自我。Malone Dies
'Malone', writes Malone, 'is what I am called now.' On his deathbed, and wiling away the time with stories, the octogenarian Malone's account of his condition is intermittent and contradictory, shifting with the vagaries of the passing days: without mellowness, without elegiacs; wittier, jauntier, and capable of wilder rages than Molloy. The sound I liked best had nothing noble about it. It was the barking of the dogs, at night, in the clusters of hovels up in the hills, where the stone-cutters lived, like generations of stone-cutters before them. it came down to me where I lay, in the house in the plain, wild and soft, at the limit of earshot, soon weary. The dogs of the valley replied with their gross bay all fangs and jaws and foam…神秘贵少腹黑妻