许昭十六岁那年,终于算计死了自己的父皇和大哥二哥四哥,荣登帝位,然而登基当天却被系统抽取灵魂,过上了每天被系统欺(tao)压(hao)的生活。#贫贱不移的老师:你借我的情,我一生来还。#威武不屈的和尚:唯你回首一眼,方知这是人间。#温柔乖巧的小叔子:哪怕众叛亲离,我,依旧不悔。 【男主同一人,1v1宠文,欢迎入坑。】
人人都羡慕诸葛亮的神机妙算。《三国演义》中的诸葛亮的形象有些妖魔化了,现实中能有那样的神机妙算的人实在是少之又少。但是神机妙算对于我们来讲也并不是遥远的传说。我们可以在生活中用心观察,用心思考,来获得一定的观察力和判断力。Signals for Strategists
This book is for strategists—leaders, managers, entrepreneurs—who are so caught up in the daily pressures of business that they're missing key signals of their future reality. It's like driving a car heads down, staring at the dashboard, rather than heads up, looking through the windshield. We need to do both. The book is devoted to the practice of sensing, or scanning the horizon for signs of emerging trends. The sooner we see them, the better our response.Each chapter starts with a set of signals—data we observed that, taken together, helped us to reveal a trend. The impact of new technology on strategy is a theme of the book, and each chapter looks at how organizations are using new technologies to their advantage.我国职业体育联盟理论研究
本书从竞技体育赛事生产与营销的特性入手,分析了由此导致的职业体育联盟的组织与运作机制的特殊性,在与国外职业体育联盟的比较中,提出我国的行政型垄断职业体育联盟的概念,并针对这一形态的不足,提出了相应的目标模式。Strangers May Marry
Laura had raised Mandy as her own ever since she found her homeless on the street. She loves the child as a daughter. But the authorities are threatening to take the child into custody, and Laura has no legal claim to keep her--and very few choices.Until she meets handsome, domineering Paul Penalis. He can help Laura keep custody of Mandy--but his help comes at a price. Can Laura pay it--and will she wind up losing her heart in the bargain?历史选择了这10个人