Only women and girls are allowed in the Red Abbey, a haven from abuse and oppression. Maresi, a thirteen-year-old novice there, arrived in the hunger winter and now lives a happy life in the Abbey, protected by the Mother and reveling in the vast library in the House of Knowledge, her favorite place. Into this idyllic existence comes Jai, a girl with a dark past. She has escaped her home after witnessing the killing of her beloved sister. Soon the dangers of the outside world follow Jai into the sacred space of the Abbey, and Maresi can no longer hide in books and words but must become one who acts. Bound for international success, Maresi will be published in 15 territories around the world!中国历代通俗演义:两晋演义(上)
《两晋演义》起自司马炎代魏,终至刘裕代晋,共一百回,真实再现了中原汉政权衰亡时五胡十六国混战下的分裂局面和各少数民族间的交流融合。本书讲述从“第一回祀南郊司马开基 立东宫庸雏伏祸”到“第五十回选将得人凉州破敌 筑宫渔色石氏宣淫”的历史。西晋内政失修、祸乱侵寻、终致覆亡。夫内政失修,则内讧必起,内讧起,则外侮即乘之而入。木朽虫生,墙罅蚁入,看似与外患相始终,究竟自成鹬蚌,才有渔翁……