当灰袍巫师甘道夫白发飘飘出现在荧幕上,当小矮人比尔博·巴金斯获得万众喜爱的时候,人们的脑海中会浮现出一个名字——约翰·罗纳德·瑞尔·托尔金。当哈利波特坐着火车驶向魔法学校,此时的罗琳好像被人施了魔咒,她已经沉浸在天马行空的想象中,故事细节就像在霍格沃茨寄宿学院的那数百只送信的猫头鹰般哗然而至。……只有用心灵才能看得清事物本质,真正重要的东西是肉眼无法看见的。《想象有你的全世界》,带你走近10位海外作家:托尔金、J.K.罗琳、菲茨杰拉德、司汤达……看他们构建的另一个世界。Darkness Visible
Darkness Visible opens at the height of the London Blitz, when a naked child steps out of an all-consuming fire. Miraculously saved but hideously scarred, soon tormented at school and at work, Matty becomes a wanderer, a seeker after some unknown redemption. Two more lost children await him, twins as exquisite as they are loveless. Toni dabbles in political violence; Sophy, in sexual tyranny. As Golding weaves their destinies together, his book reveals both the inner and outer darkness of our world. "An intensity of vision without parallel." (TLS). "A vision of elemental reality so vivid we seem to hallucinate the scenes…Magic." (New York Times Book Review).