妾心如宅3:门庭深冷 来者须诚(大结局)
妾心如宅系列收官之作,捶地看动荡乱世的英雄传奇,挥泪看情痴苦长的京城红颜2,150,000条网友推荐。 天下之事,分久必合,合久必分,大熙王朝四百年的统治,终在贪念与野心之下爆发战争。聂氏将大熙王朝的疆土割走一半,建立了南熙政权,称“南熙”。北为原氏天下,称“北熙”。南北分裂之后第七十九年,南熙与北熙,各出了一位绝世名妓,世称“南晗初,北鸾夙”。南熙名妓晗初因为所托非人,被负心人抛弃,险些葬身火海,幸而被南熙文昌侯之子沈予所救。一个偶然的机会,晗初被沈予派去服侍好友云辞,两人朝夕相对暗生情愫,云辞怜惜晗初,为其改名“出岫”,将其带回云府。然而好景不长,这一对有情人的情路曲折,命途多舛。
Booklist called Maresi "utterly satisfying and completely different from standard YA fantasy." Now, Naondel goes back to establish the world of the trilogy and tells the story of the First Sisters —the founders of the female utopia the Red Abbey. Imprisoned in a harem by a dangerous man with a dark magic that grants him power over life and death, the First Sisters must overcome their mistrust of one another in order to escape. But they can only do so at a great cost, both for those who leave and for those left behind. Told in alternating points of view, this novel is a vivid, riveting look at a world of oppression and exploitation, the mirror opposite of the idyllic Red Abbey.世界军事百科之战争元凶