本书把最经典的经营理念和生意心得挑选出来,用最浓缩的语言阐释,用最具代表性的案例进行说明,以达到启迪和激励当代青年人的目的。这是一本教你如何做生意的书,但更是一本教你如何做人的书。相信每一个深谙李嘉诚经商之道的人,都能赚到大钱,赚到开心钱。Night Train to Lisbon
Raimund Gregorius teaches classical languages at a Swiss lycae, and lives a life governed by routine. One day, a chance encounter with a Portuguese woman inspires him to question his lifeand leads him to an extraordinary book that will open the possibility of changing it. Inspired by the words of Amadeu de Prado, a doctor whose intelligence and magnetism left a mark on everyone who met him and whose principles led him into a confrontation with Salazar's dictatorship, Gergorius boards a train to Lisbon. As Gregorius becomes fascinated with unlocking the mystery of who Prado was, an extraordinary tale unfolds.