When Love Comes
When beautiful, glamorous fashion buyer Janis Morton goes on a cruise, she's looking forward to sun, fun, and a little harmless flirtation. And when she meets Clive Trent, the gorgeous son of a well-known French fashion designer, she's sure she's found what she's looking for.So is Trent--but he's looking for something entirely different. To escape an arranged marriage, Clive has a plan: marry the first girl he meets on the cruise. Will Janis go along with his wild scheme--without losing her heart in the process?为没好的世界献上英灵
新书《次元世界融合目录》正式上线~求推荐支持~ 综漫向,穿越异世界,这里的一切都是那么熟悉,手持《英灵之书》,带着从各个世界召唤而来的英灵闯荡各个世界,这是一场欢乐之旅。第一世界《地下城与勇士》第二世界《魔法禁书目录》第三世界《我的英雄学院》 第四世界《雄兵连》 第五世界《刀剑神域》 第六世界《问题儿童》 第七世界《fateUBW》嘻嘻,只能剧透这么多。裙~597,732,216