二十世纪,一个平凡无奇的高中生,也是个时时被小太保欺负的可怜虫,因宿命的原因,陷入了奇妙的时光异变,来到一所奇异的学校,这个学校不存在于任何地点,也不存在于任何时代,只有一个老师,还有几个助教,和一群十来岁的古怪学生。只是这个老师的名字叫做鬼谷子,助教们来自不同时代,学生虽然都是毛头小孩,但他们却都来自战国时代,也就是日后的孔子、庄子、老子、列子及公孙龙。The Storyteller
Anna and Abel couldn't be more different. They are both seventeen and in their last year of school, but while Anna lives in a nice old town house and comes from a well-to-do family, Abel, the school drug dealer, lives in a big, prisonlike tower block at the edge of town. Anna is afraid of him until she realizes that he is caring for his six-year-old sister on his own. Fascinated, Anna follows the two and listens as Abel tells little Micha the story of a tiny queen assailed by dark forces. It's a beautiful fairy tale that Anna comes to see has a basis in reality. Abel is in real danger of losing Micha to their abusive father and to his own inability to make ends meet.