史上最彪悍的抗日战争,大明帝国最后的绝唱!这是决定东亚三百年格局的关键一战,也是中国人赢得最漂亮的抗日战争。明朝万历二十年(1592),日本实际统治者太阁丰臣秀吉,挟统一日本之威,悍然发动针对朝鲜和明朝的侵略战争。应朝鲜国王李昖的请求,大明万历皇帝朱翊钧克服种种困难,毅然派名将李如松出师东征,抗日援朝。一场侵略与反侵略的血战,在朝鲜半岛拉开了帷幕……本书再现的正是这一段尘封已久而影响深远的历史。日本一代枭雄丰臣秀吉历经艰辛奠定的基业,在这场战争中分崩离析,最终落入德川家康之手,书中写出了两位枭雄的明争暗斗、权术阴谋。Before He Needs (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 5)
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 900 five star reviews), comes book #5 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series.In BEFORE HE NEEDS (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 5), FBI special agent Mackenzie White finds herself summoned to crack a case she has never encountered before: the victim is not a man or a woman—but a couple.The third couple found dead in their homes this month.As Mackenzie and the FBI scramble to figure out who would want happily-married couples dead, her search takes her deep into a disturbing world and subculture. She quickly learns that all is not what it seems behind the picket fences of perfectly-suburban homes—and that darkness lurks at the edge of even the happiest-seeming families.钢铁是怎样炼成的(语文新课标课外读物)