她是艾宝儿,艾氏的小公主,集万千宠爱于一身,只是这一切在家族事业倒塌那一刻,荡然无存,被父亲亲自推出去牺牲,丢了最后的一点尊严,从此变得没心没肺,冷看人生。他京都商业巨贾,传闻他阴森冷血,邪肆残暴,如同恶魔般存在的男人,却独独宠着一个女人,宠到令人发指的地步。正文:门外,冷擎浑身是嗜血的杀气,仿佛是从地狱爬出来的撒旦,冰冷残暴的眼眸里是深深的刺痛与野兽般的哀鸣。“为什么!”男人怒吼,就像垂死的野兽。艾宝儿低下头,遮住眼里闪过的一丝不明情绪,再抬起头时,她嘴角已经带了一丝笑容,随手捡起一边的衬衫披上,走到男人的身边,指尖轻点他心脏的位置:“冷擎,我很早就说过的,这里,别对着我敞开。”“可是,我爱你啊。”他喉咙有些干涩,出口的话低沉沙哑,带着无尽的悲伤。艾宝儿转开眼,心竟然有一丝陌生的酸以及淡淡的疼。她看着屋内的冷天宇,淡声道:“我不爱你,一点也不爱,我要爱的,是他。”Passing On
Booker-Prize winning author Penelope Lively is that rare writer who goes from strength to strength in book after perfectly assured book. In Passing On, she applies her distinctive insight and consummate artistry to the subtle story of a domineering and manipulative mother's legacy to her children. With their mother's death, Helen and Edward, both middle-aged and both unmarried, are left to face the ramifications of their mother's hold on their lives for all of these years. Helen and Edward slowly learn to accept what has been lost in their own lives and embrace what can yet be retrieved. "The richest and most rewarding of her novels." - The Washington Post Book World