有很多学生对学习没有信心,不感兴趣,进而厌烦学习,表面上看来是学生没有领会知识,没有学懂,没有学会,成绩差,实质上是这些学生不会学习,不会运用正确有效的学习方法,不会调控自己的心理状态和学习活动造成的。由于缺乏正确的学习方法,越到高年级,知识越多,他们就越来越难,一门课程一门课程地垮下去,最后导致对学习完全丧失信心,厌恶学习,逃避学习。实际上,我们身边那些轻易取得骄人成绩的超级优等生,无不使用了科学有效的适合自己的学习方法。所以,我们学习不仅要学习知识,还要学会学习。Forever, Plus One (The Inn at Sunset Harbor—Book 6
"Sophie Love's ability to impart magic to her readers is exquisitely wrought in powerfully evocative phrases and descriptions….This is the perfect romance or beach read, with a difference: its enthusiasm and beautiful descriptions offer an unexpected attention to the complexity of not just evolving love, but evolving psyches. It's a delightful recommendation for romance readers looking for a touch more complexity from their romance reads."--Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan re For Now and Forever)FOREVER, PLUS ONE is book #6 in the bestselling romance series The Inn at Sunset Harbor, which begins with book #1, For Now and Forever—a free download!35 year old Emily Mitchell is still reeling from the surprise news that she is pregnant. Just married, she and Danielle have no time to process the news as they are thrust into doctor appointments, preparing for the baby's arrival—and, in a surprise party, the revelation of their baby's gender.Death in a Strange Country
Early one morning Commissario Guido Brunetti of the Venice Police confronts a grisly sight when the body of a young man is fished out of a fetid canal. All the clues point to a violent mugging, but for Brunetti the motive of robbery seems altogether too convenient. When something is discovered in the victim's apartment that suggests the existence of a high-level conspiracy, Brunetti becomes convinced that somebody, somewhere, is taking great pains to provide a ready-made solution to the wkkk.net with atmosphere and marvelous plotting, Death in a Strange Country is a superb novel in Donna Leon's chilling Venetian mystery series.