每当历史的巨人跨越一步时,人类就总会在向前暸望的同时,情不自禁地回首流逝的年代,缅怀远去的先人,感悟曾经的岁月。当我们带着崇敬与激情去追思那一位位闪烁着智慧光芒、给人类带来希望和光明的世界杰出人物时,胸中便会油然升腾出一股发自心底的感动,一股追求奋起的冲动。Polar Distress (Dr. Critchlore's School for Mi
Runt Higgins has a long to-do list. He needs to find out who cursed him, and why; he needs to make up with his best friend, Syke; and he needs to pass the Junior Henchman Training Program. That last one? Not likely. Professor Murphy hates Runt and is actively trying to fail him. The only way for Runt to pass the class and stay at Dr. Critchlore's school is to locate a rare mineral that Dr. Critchlore needs to make an Undefeatable Minion. To find it, Runt must travel to icy Upper Worb and battle gyrfalcons, yetis … and the loathsome team from Dr. Pravus's school. Their newest member? Runt's former best friend, Syke.