每一位女性,在她宣告怀孕后,周围的人无不好心劝其滋补以养胎。但随着时代的进步,仅仅是养胎这一生育观念早已落伍。作为现代的准父母,应该有更科学的生育观念。本书从优生篇、养胎篇、保胎篇、胎教篇、祛病篇五个部分,用通俗易懂的语言介绍了十月怀胎过程中一些切实有效的、科学的养胎、保胎、胎教方法,以助初为人母者顺利度过妊娠期,使胎儿健康茁壮地成长。本书以实现优生为目的,科学全面地就养胎、保胎、胎教方面对初为人父母者进行指导,使每一位孕妇都能正确养胎,避开一切不利于胎儿的不良因素,从而创造一个良好的胎内环境和胎外环境。同时,在不同孕期选用不同的胎教方法对其实施科学胎教,从而孕育出一个聪明、健康的宝宝。Earth Apples
While best known for his fiction, Edward Abbey was also an enthusiastic creator of verse. Earth Apples, Abbey's first and only collection of poetry, adds to his literary reputation as an irreverent writer. Whether writing about vast desert landscapes, New York City, or a love of bawdy women, Abbey's verse is eloquent and unapologetically passionate. The poems gathered here, published digitally for the first time, are culled from Abbey's journals and give an insightful and unique glance into the mind of this literary legend.