"火星上的成人礼 舞会,是所有十六岁少女和十八岁少年走向成年的重大仪式,每年都会选出一位最潇洒的舞会王子和一 位最优雅美丽的舞会公主,得冠者将拥有毕生荣耀,而没有舞伴、无法参加盛大成人礼舞会的少女,将会被所有人嘲笑,成 为终生难以磨灭的奇耻大辱。而美希所在的天鹅城,女多男少, “多出来”的少数女孩,只能用机器人代替人类当舞会伴侣。但再美型的机 器人也无法替代有血有肉的真实人类, 势必在舞会上“低人一等”。假小子一样的美希,很不幸地成了 “多出来”的那个,她将如何面对这成人路上的第一个困境?而跟舞会有关的麻烦和秘密,还远远不止这些…… "Sergeant Lamb's America
The first in a two-book series, Sergeant Lamb's America tells the story Sergeant Roger Lamb, an Irish soldier who served on the British side during the American War of Independence. Based on real historical events and people, Sergeant Lamb recounts the British defeat and the capture of his unit at the Battle of Saratoga in a voice that's both funny, insightful, and wise.This fictionalized account is based on the journals of the historical Sergeant Roger Lamb, and is largely faithful to the true eyewitness account of the American Revolution told from the loser's perspective. With his engaging, personable voice and basic decency of character, Sergeant Lamb reminds us that regardless of how history casts the British side, there were good men on both sides of this important conflict.