末世木系异能呆萌女穿成力大无穷却被饿死的可怜小哑巴,睁眼时被人施舍了一个窝窝头,就乖乖地跟他走了。云景:一个窝窝头牵回来一个媳妇,这媳妇是不是太廉价了?天知道他只是想喂她怀里的小狐狸!苏沫:给她吃的的都是大好人,好人,抱大腿!PS:绒毛控傲娇男Ⅹ吃不饱就会死呆萌末世女男主前期腿瘸,后期会好。甜宠文Sweeney Astray
Sweeney Astray is Seamus Heaney's version of the medieval Irish work Buile Suibhne - the first complete translation since 1913. Its hero, Mad Sweeney, undergoes a series of purgatorial adventures after he is cursed by a saint and turned into a bird at the Battle of Moira. The poetry spoken by the mad king, exiled to the trees and the slopes, is among the richest and most immediately appealing in the whole canon of Gaelic literature. Sweeney Astray not only restores to us a work of historical and literary importance but offers the genius of one of our greatest living poets to reinforce its claims on the reader of contemporary literature.