身在区委大院摇笔杆的何康是威鲁区家喻户晓的人物,面对琐碎的工作以及升职等,何康的的激情渐渐变得平淡下去。一次,何康辛辛苦苦写的稿子,发表时被加上了其他人的名字,伴随着同事间的排挤和争斗,何康在被人利用与挣扎中走向了辞职,而他的辞职也成为这个小城关于何康的最后一条新闻。The Secret of Rover
The Secret of Rover follows the clever and resourceful twins Katie and David as they race across the country in their attempt to outwit an international team of insurgents who hold their parents and baby sister captive in a foreign land. Held hostage because they invented a spy technology called Rover that can locate anyone in the world, Katie and David's parents are in grave danger. Now, it's up to Katie and David to rescue them. But first they must find their reclusive uncle, whom they have never met—the only person they know who can help them. This page-turning story from a debut author with insider knowledge of Washington is fun, suspenseful, and convincingly real.联合国人权理事会UPR视域下的中国人权