他是身价过亿的豪门总裁,他也是外八行中的盗门“魁首”,他呼风唤雨独霸一方。他不爱美人独爱盗墓,却不料,盗墓挖出来一个24k粉嫩小姨子。“姐夫,我要代替姐姐爱你!”他退却几步吞了口唾沫:“臣妾做不到啊,我们骨子里流淌着的是同一个老祖宗的血脉!”且看满清最后一个格格如何嬉耍魁首姐夫翻手为云覆手为雨。女强;重生;现言;惊悚;盗墓;爽文!!!Camp Pleasant
This short novel that is told with almost fable-like simplicity: Matt Harper is a first-time counselor at a boy's summer camp when he witnesses a casual brutality that leads to murder. The bullying, gluttonous headman Ed Nolan (who has "reduced Camp Pleasant to a microcosm of the Third Reich") is portrayed as one stereotype that the reader is not sorry to see killed off. Instead, all of our sympathy is reserved for the possible suspects: Merv Loomis, the homosexual counselor Nolan humiliates into quitting; the troubled ten-year-old Tony Rocca; Nolan's meek wife, Ellen; and several others. The setting and tone have the distinct feel of the early 1950s, but a casual reference to actress Catherine Deneuve places the action in the mid-60s or later.