狐狸总给人“狡猾”之意,但是书中给狐狸的定义是具有智慧的。学学像狐狸一样的为官、做人。《老狐狸经》不是在教读者诈,而是为读者介绍了为官之道、做人之道、创业之道、说话之道,是在指导读者如何更好地适应社会,适应生存,不断提升自己的说话能力,以寻找到发挥的舞台。The Epic Crush of Genie Lo
The struggle to get into a top-tier college consumes sixteen-year-old Genie's every waking thought. But when she discovers she's a celestial spirit who's powerful enough to bash through the gates of heaven with her fists, her perfectionist existence is shattered. Enter Quentin, a transfer student from China whose tone-deaf assertiveness beguiles Genie to the brink of madness. Quentin nurtures Genie's outrageous transformation—sometimes gently, sometimes aggressively—as her sleepy suburb in the Bay Area comes under siege from hell-spawn. This epic YA debut draws from Chinese folklore, features a larger-than-life heroine, and perfectly balances the realities of Genie's grounded high school life with the absurd supernatural world she finds herself commanding.乔那村干部