这场酒从中午喝到晚上,牛得贵醉了,他抱着齐超大哭,说:“大哥,你们可别忘了俺啊,俺当年没犯错误,就是不想做棺材了,做那些东西,俺心里难受啊——大哥……”齐超也落了泪,安慰牛得贵说:“兄弟,放心吧,你是铁道兵的一分子,战友们不会忘记你!”齐超打电话叫来司机,把喝得酩酊大醉的牛得贵送回了家。过了没有几天,齐超收到了一张汇款单,汇款数额是一千元,汇款人是牛得贵,汇款单“其他事项”一栏里,写着这样一行字:“这笔钱给营长立个石碑吧。”Struts & Frets
Music is in Sammy's blood. His grandfather was a jazz musician, and Sammy's indie rock band could be huge one day—if they don't self-destruct first. Winning the upcoming Battle of the Bands would justify all their compromises and reassure Sammy that his life's dream could become a reality. But practices are hard to schedule when Sammy's grandfather is sick and getting worse, his mother is too busy to help either of them, and his best friend may want to be his girlfriend. Told in a voice that's honest and wry, Struts & Frets will resonate not only with teenage musicians but also with anyone who ever sat up all night listening to a favorite album, wondering if they'd ever find their place in the world.