妈妈,在每个儿女心中都是无比伟大,那么,“单亲妈妈”又如何形容呢?“她”十八岁,与前夫。白手起家,二十八岁,拥有数亿身家。同时,她“女儿”诞生了。还不知情的“她”憧憬着,一家美好的将来。可是,“幸福”就像物质一样,同样拥有保质期。古往今来“抛妻弃子”,但现实,其实,是“抛妻弃女”。“刘婉淇”做梦也想不到。因为,夫家的传统观念。而在女儿的“出生纸”上附带了一张“离婚纸”。“美梦”一下子变成了破碎的琉璃瓦。因此,“幸福的女人”,这个称号。贬值,成为一位“单亲妈妈”。当她接受所有事实,好不容易过上一些平淡的生活。却听到前夫去世。还有公司面临着破产的消失。好心的她,在前夫的父母上门求助的时候,不计前因,帮助公司重振声威。她,再次,由一位“单亲妈妈”的角式,演变,成为一位“女强人”。“她”历经风雨,母兼父职,从女儿出生,到出嫁。让她看透了人生。The Sexual Outlaw
In this angry, eloquent outcry against the oppression of homosexuals, the author of the classic City of Night gives "an explosive non-fiction account, with commentaries, of three days and nights in the sexual underground" of Los Angeles in the 1970s--the "battlefield" of the sexual outlaw. Using the language and techniqus of the film, Rechy deftly intercuts the despairing, joyful, and defiant confessions of a male hustler with the "chorus" of his own subversive reflections on sexual identity and sexual politics, and with stark documentary reports our society directs against homosexuals--"the only minority against whose existence there are laws."