我对你的爱,起于点滴,终于一生——元恒 我孤身一人来到这异世,就是为了追寻你对我的爱——唐安辰 她是他的总管太监,可是却不小心怀了他的孩子。怎么办!怎么办!他又不可能娶一个太监,没办法,逃吧!当他再次见到她的时候,才发现,他的这个太监不简单啊,肚子里揣着自己的娃,还想装不认识?但是怎么办,你已经走入我的心网,逃不掉了。Monkey
Probably the most popular book in the history of the Far East, this classic sixteenth century novel is a combination of picaresque novel and folk epic that mixes satire, allegory, and history into a rollicking adventure. It is the story of the roguish Monkey and his encounters with major and minor spirits, gods, demigods, demons, ogres, monsters, and fairies. This translation, by the distinguished scholar Arthur Waley, is the first accurate English version; it makes available to the Western reader a faithful reproduction of the spirit and meaning of the original.