凯利·麦格尼格尔教授(Kelly McGonigal,Ph.D.),是斯坦福大学广获赞誉的心理学家。她结合心理学、神经学、经济学的新成果,在斯坦福大学为专业人士和普通大众开设心理学课程,将《自控力科学》变成学生称之为“能够改变一生”的课程。基于该课程,她写作《自控力》,告诉人们什么是自控力,自控力如何发生作用,以及自控力为何如此重要。常青藤教育的99个法则
美国精英是怎样炼成的?本书介绍了常青藤教育的99条法则,教会父母如何教育孩子。当孩子具备了真正的常青藤素质,无论将来他遇到什么样的困难和携手,他都能从容面对,继续前行。无需走出国门,您也可以了解到美国精英教育的法则,让孩子在成长之路上与世界精英同步。The Boy with 17 Senses
Every resident of the planet Yipsmix has synesthesia —they don't just hear sounds; they see and taste them, too. On this unusual planet, poor Jaq Rollop must save his family's farm. To do so, Jaq is forced to sell his beloved pet and only friend. Trusting and wkkk.net, Jaq gets swindled into trading his pet for a seemingly worthless key. But then something very strange happens. The key leads Jaq through a wormhole to a terrifying and magical land full of riches, overwhelming sensations, and giants. The name of this frightening land? Earth. This clever middle-grade fantasy will appeal to fans of the Sisters Grimm, A Tale Dark & Grimm, and the Land of Stories series.