柳无双,柳家痴傻加废柴的三小姐,痴傻+废柴?还真是无双啊!人见人欺、家族嫌弃,一朝重生,再睁眼,废柴变天才!当废柴成为绝顶天才--一个字:狠!两个字:腹黑!三个字:太逆天!谁说女子不如男?人不犯我、我不犯人,人若犯我,我必诛之!什么?打的就是你!扮猪吃老虎,没有比她更在行的了!上古神兽?不好意思,那是本小姐的乖乖萌宠!炼药、修炼样样精通,看她如何站在众生之巅、绝代风华冠天下!男强女强,身心干净一对一,超强爽文!History of the Twentieth Century
The 20th century has been one of the most unique in human history. It has seen the rise of some of humanity's most important advances to date, as well as many of its most violent and terrifying wars. This is a condensed version of renowned historian Martin Gilbert's masterful examination of the century's history, offering the highlights of a three-volume work covering more than 3,000 pages.From the invention of aviation to the rise of the Internet, and from events and cataclysmic changes in Europe to those in Asia, Africa, and North America, Martin examines art, literature, war, religion, life and death, and celebration and renewal throughout the world, and throughout this turbulent and astonishing century.