本书从资格培训、职业中介、岗位招聘、签订合同、薪酬福利、管理手段、同事关系、社交应酬、离职跳槽9个环节出发,把隐藏在其中的鲜为人知的职场秘密一一摆到读者面前,并深入剖析其中的奥秘,以期为职场新人提供帮助。Tales from the Hood (Sisters Grimm #6)
Funny, suspenseful, and fast-paced, The Sisters Grimm continues to charm readers with its outrageous take on familiar fairy tales. In Ferryport Landing everyone gets a day in court—even the Big Bad Wolf, a.k.a. Mr. Canis. When Canis is put on trial for past crimes, Mayor Heart's kangaroo court is determined to find him guilty. It's up to the Grimms to uncover evidence to save their friend, though Sabrina starts to wonder whether they would all be safer with the Wolf in jail. Despite her misgivings, Sabrina and her sister, Daphne, investigate what actually happened in the Big Bad Wolf's most famous tale—and the real story is full of surprises!