初相识,她身患抑郁多年,有过多次自杀的经历;他虽身处高位,却活在牢笼,一心想要摆脱桎梏。他们的婚姻是一场交易,且有效期为一年。一年后,唐瑾年治好了乔陌的抑郁症,而他却突然消失了,杳无音讯......后来,乔陌遇见了顾北深,一个与她的初恋司南长得一模一样的男人,她对此毫无抵抗力,逐渐沉沦。唐瑾年回来之时,正是乔陌嫁给顾北深之际。他将她堵在半路,开口就问,“乔陌,想我了吗?”乔陌,“......”想你妹!The Chronicles of Faerie
The third book in this critically acclaimed trilogy, which Booklist described as "shimmering with magic, myth, and romance" Dana has few memories of her mother, who disappeared when she was small. But she has always dreamed, despite her father's discouragement, that her mother would come back one day. When her dad decides to leave Ireland and take a job across the ocean in Canada, Dana is heartbroken. How can she leave her home and the only chance of seeing her mother again? She runs away, high into the fairy mountains of Ireland. Following ancient paths, with a mysterious wolf companion at her side, Dana encounters a world of tragic enchantment and fairy romance, and discovers a great secret about herself. With lush descriptions and rich Celtic lore, plus cameo appearances by characters from the previous books, this latest chronicle will satisfy fans of the series and entice new readers.