爱情,本来就是这样身不由己,明明爱着对方,却又不能大声地告诉他(她)。行走在人世间,多少繁华没落,多少风云又起,可是谁又能阻止谁爱上了谁?不求天长地久,只要曾经拥有,但是到了最后,又有谁能够舍得放下,放下曾经的执著?她是落架的公主,却一心系于民情,哪怕毁了清白,也心甘情愿。他是富家少爷,富贾一方,却只为她心动。当少爷遇上公主,当欺骗遇上真情,谁又错付了谁?Tales from the Hood (Sisters Grimm #6)
Funny, suspenseful, and fast-paced, The Sisters Grimm continues to charm readers with its outrageous take on familiar fairy tales. In Ferryport Landing everyone gets a day in court—even the Big Bad Wolf, a.k.a. Mr. Canis. When Canis is put on trial for past crimes, Mayor Heart's kangaroo court is determined to find him guilty. It's up to the Grimms to uncover evidence to save their friend, though Sabrina starts to wonder whether they would all be safer with the Wolf in jail. Despite her misgivings, Sabrina and her sister, Daphne, investigate what actually happened in the Big Bad Wolf's most famous tale—and the real story is full of surprises!