好个胆大包天的女人,竟然给他下套,强要了他这江城无冕之王?一夜风流,竟然翻脸不认账,巴上别的男人?某女轻哼,夜少大山不好靠,换个男人靠一靠!某BOSS气急争夺黑心妻:女人,快到碗里来,要么到我心里来!某千金:负分滚粗,你已经是前夫了!Elder Statesman
T. S. Eliot's last play, drafted originally in 1955 but not completed until three years later. Lord Claverton, an eminent former cabinet minister and banker, is helped to confront his past by the love of his daughter, his wkkk.net dialogue in The Elder Statesman, the love scenes in particular, contain some of Eliot's most tender and expressive writing for the theatre. The play was first performed at the Edinburgh Festival in 1958.