Attack of the BULLIES (NERDS Book Five)
The grand finale to the New York Times bestselling series, Attack of the BULLIES stars Ruby Peet, aka Agent Pufferfish, the team captain with super nanobyte-enhanced allergies. Pufferfish leads the team in their latest case: the kidnapping of the president's daughter. But the NERDS discover she hasn't been kidnapped—she's been recruited. Their former librarian, Ms. Holiday, has started a rival organization called BULLIES, who each have their own nanobyte-enhanced upgrades. The BULLIES' plan: go back in time to make sure NERDS never existed! When Ruby's teammates begin to vanish one by one, she enlists Agent Brand and Heathcliff Hodges to go back to the 1970s and help the original nerdy secret agents make sure that the future is not erased from existence! Attack of the BULLIES promises action, humor, and a dramatic conclusion to the series.怀孕娇妻:章少宠妻秘籍
新文《闪婚:郁少宠妻有道》发布了,求养肥……一次意外,南希怀孕了,从此以后过上了混吃等死(生不如死)的日子。南希:我要出门。章珏:可以啊,生完孩子再说。南希:我要工作。章珏:可以啊,生完孩子再说。南希:我要赚钱。章珏:可以啊,生完孩子再说。南希悲愤的表示:生生生……不就生孩子么,有什么了不起。章珏:我觉得很了不起,毕竟男人都不会……南希: ̄^ ̄゜谁能把这个蛇精病给我拉走!直到生完孩子南希才知道,章珏不止是个蛇精病还是个占有欲强的蛇精病……南希:我要工作章珏:可以,先结婚再说……大哥,你这对话反了吧……