由于所处环境和生活背景的不同,每个人对成功的理解也各不相同,然而殊途同归,目标都是一样的——实现自己的人生价值。本书收集了大量中外成功人士的例子,并对他们的成功经验加以分析研究,从而总结出了确保你人生成功的148个法则。遵照这些法则,一步一步完善自我,你就会逐渐实现你的成功之梦。The Anger of Achilles
The war between the Greeks and the Trojans has reached a fever pitch. Offended by Agamemnon, the great Greek warrior Achilles is in his tent, refusing to fight. But then Trojan prince Hector slaughters Patroclus, Achilles' close friend. Willing or not, Achilles must take revenge for his friend's death, even if it will result in his own.The Anger of Achilles is a novelized interpretation of Homer's Iliad, told by noted classicist and historical novelist Robert Graves. In this innovative take on the classic tale, Achilles comes to life in all his vivid rage, bravery, passion, and lust for battle. Combining his advanced expertise in ancient Greek warfare and culture with a talent for telling a compelling story, Robert Graves is the ideal translator to bring this ancient epic of war to a modern audience.