《指尖上的中国:山水旧城谙》在对诸如北京的四合院和胡同、上海的十里洋场、杭州的西湖和灵隐寺等各城市代表建筑和名胜的回忆中,我们不得不感叹民国城市都有着其独特的魅力和氛围,尤其是在沧桑的历史轮转中,每一座历史名城都演绎过精彩的故事,留下过无数动人的传说。Washington Masquerade
Adam Burns, Washington Post columnist and controversial presidential critic, is dead. With no clear circumstances, speculation, gossip, and rumor flood the media—was it accident, suicide, or murder? Conspiracy theories run amok, accusing none other than the President of the United States. Was Adam Burns the target of a government hit squad? Did someone decide to silence his diatribes once and for all?Fiona Fitzgerald, an unlikely hero in Washington D.C.'s blue-collar, predominantly male police force, is entrusted with unraveling Burns' death. Born into the elite social circles of the nation's capital, and with privileged access to what lurks behind the pristine fa?ade of the political establishment, Fiona is determined to expose the chicanery buried under prim rose bushes and concealed within the ceaseless Washington Masquerade.