南非种族和解、社会转型的关键人物、铺就南非法治之路的萨克斯大法官一生的传奇与回忆。南非宪法可以说是世界上最先进的宪法。作为宪法法院法官,萨克斯以其特殊的个人经历与对宪法深刻而又温情的解读,剖析各种跨族群、跨国界的司法争议,确保每一个人,不论善恶,都能享有新宪法保障的基本权利,并获得真正的自由。书中处处可见他对“人性尊严”的坚守。他期盼种族大和解、为弱势族群的权利据理力争、统合法律论辩与人文关怀、笃信“人就应当被当人对待”的理念。正是这些努力,使南非这片被认为不可能孕育宪法正义的土地生发出了“人性尊严、平等、自由等最先进的思想”,从而实现了社会转型。Washington Masquerade
Adam Burns, Washington Post columnist and controversial presidential critic, is dead. With no clear circumstances, speculation, gossip, and rumor flood the media—was it accident, suicide, or murder? Conspiracy theories run amok, accusing none other than the President of the United States. Was Adam Burns the target of a government hit squad? Did someone decide to silence his diatribes once and for all?Fiona Fitzgerald, an unlikely hero in Washington D.C.'s blue-collar, predominantly male police force, is entrusted with unraveling Burns' death. Born into the elite social circles of the nation's capital, and with privileged access to what lurks behind the pristine fa?ade of the political establishment, Fiona is determined to expose the chicanery buried under prim rose bushes and concealed within the ceaseless Washington Masquerade.