她,是流落在外的豪门千金,却意外成了大名鼎鼎的驱鬼师。这本不是她的初衷,但这个世界真的有鬼,特别是这个纸醉金迷的都市里,有贪吃鬼、恶死鬼、大鬼小鬼,甚至还有传说中的色鬼!所以,她义无反顾选择了这个伟大而神圣的职业。他,是霸道厅长,原以为对这个小萝莉可以手到擒来,可最后发现小萝莉没这么简单。无论是天上的神仙,还是地下的鬼怪见了她都毕恭毕敬,各路鬼神都望风而逃。【都市、诙谐、爱情、鬼怪】【小伙伴们,放心入坑,坑品保证】The Inheritance of Loss
In a crumbling, isolated house at the foot of Mount Kanchenjunga in the Himalayas lives an embittered judge who wants only to retire in peace, when his orphaned granddaughter, Sai, arrives on his doorstep. The judge's cook watches over her distractedly, for his thoughts are often on his son, Biju, who is hopscotching from one gritty New York restaurant to another. Kiran Desai's brilliant novel, published to huge acclaim, is a story of joy and despair. Her characters face numerous choices that majestically illuminate the consequences of colonialism as it collides with the modern world.