不能习武,就是草包?不能聚气,便是废柴?他们可知道,她本是天才?!一朝穿越,紫家见血就晕的草包废物华丽转身,一把银针,一座神鼎,一对透视灵眸,看轻天下苍生。神器、神兽、神丹……世间之物在紫瞳眼中只有两种,她喜欢的尽收囊中,她讨厌的尽情毁灭。某男霸道拥着她的纤腰:那你是喜欢我呢,喜欢我呢,还是喜欢我呢?!穿越玄幻?对!霸道女强?是!腹黑搞笑?没错!霸道宠溺?绝对!绝色美男霸道女主,大杀四方缠绵悱恻,虐渣女贱男,揽奇珍异宝……你能想到的全有,你想不到的也有!Spencer's Mountain
High up on a mountain, young Clay-Boy Spencer joins his father and eight uncles to hunt the mythical white deer. What he finds on the mountainside changes his life—and marks him for a special destiny. Years later, Clay-Boy is the first in his family to get the chance to go to college; but success as an adult is much more complicated and bittersweet than the legendary success of Clay-Boy's childhood quest.A heartwarming novel of love, family, and hope, Spencer's Mountain inspired the popular television show The Waltons, which starred Richard Thomas, Andrew Duggan, and Patricia Neal, and ran for nine years between 1972 and 1981. More than fifty years after its publication, this novel still has the power to inspire and move readers all over the world.东方列车连续杀人事件