【正文已完结,放心入坑,新书:《早安,我的傲娇小竹马》欢迎大家围观。】在游戏里她被他宠上瘾,在游戏外他却成了她的瘟神。“夜南弦,你离我远点,每次遇到你都有坏事发生,连喝水都会被呛死,吃饭都会被噎死。”,“小宁子,为夫怎么舍得离开你?老婆大大求抱抱。”ps:男主(夜南弦),女主(叶雅宁),只喜欢看总裁文的宝宝们直接从115章看,不影响,说不定还会有惊喜。Selected Poems, 1930-1988
It was as a poet that Samuel Beckett launched himself in the little reviews of 1930s Paris, and as a poet that he ended his career. This new selection, from Whoroscope (1930) to 'what is the word' (1988), describes a lifetime's arc of writing. It was as a poet moreover that Beckett made his first breakthrough into writing in French, and the Selected Poems represents work in both languages, including the sequence of brief but highly crafted mirlitonnades, which did so much to usher in the style of his late prose, and come as close as anything he wrote to honouring the ambition to 'bore one hole after another in language, until what lurks behind it - be it something or nothing - begins to seep through.' Also included are several of Beckett's translations from contemporaries - Apollinaire, Eluard, Michaux, Montale - in versions which count among his own poetic achievements. It is edited by David Wheatley.全球公民社会引论