
第7章 Two Lorries

It's raining on black coal and warm wet ashes.

There are tyre-marks in the yard, Agnew's old lorry

Has all its cribs down and Agnew the coalman

With his Belfast accent's sweet-talking my mother.

Would she ever go to a film in Magherafelt?

But it's raining and he still has half the load

To deliver farther on. This time the lode

Our coal came from was silk-black, so the ashes

Will be the silkiest white. The Magherafelt

(Via Toomebridge) bus goes by. The half-stripped lorry

With its emptied, folded coal-bags moves my mother:

The tasty ways of a leather-aproned coalman!

And films no less! The conceit of a coalman …

She goes back in and gets out the black lead

And emery paper, this nineteen-forties mother,

All business round her stove, half-wiping ashes

With a backhand from her cheek as the bolted lorry

Gets revved and turned and heads for Magherafelt

And the last delivery. Oh, Magherafelt!

Oh, dream of red plush and a city coalman

As time fastforwards and a different lorry

Groans into shot, up Broad Street, with a payload

That will blow the bus station to dust and ashes …

After that happened, I'd a vision of my mother,

A revenant on the bench where I would meet her

In that cold-floored waiting-room in Magherafelt,

Her shopping bags full up with shovelled ashes.

Death walked out past her like a dust-faced coalman

Refolding body-bags, plying his load

Empty upon empty, in a flurry

Of motes and engine-revs, but which lorry

Was it now? Young Agnew's or that other,

Heavier, deadlier one, set to explode

In a time beyond her time in Magherafelt …

So tally bags and sweet-talk darkness, coalman.

Listen to the rain spit in new ashes

As you heft a load of dust that was Magherafelt,

Then reappear from your lorry as my mother's

Dreamboat coalman filmed in silk-white ashes.

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