

To Selwyn Jepson, of course

The sons of homer, a guild of travelling minstrels who claimed descent from the famous blind poet and owned a large repertory of heroic sagas, were in classical times based on the sacred island of Delos. They went from city to city throughout Greece, Asia Minor, Sicily, Italy and North Africa, enjoying protection and hospitality everywhere. Their sagas were ascribed to Homer himself, though it was an open secret that many of them were of recent composition. Since the most ancient and famous of the whole collection was the Iliad, which concerned the Siege of Troy, the Sons of Homer enlarged the Trojan cycle with new sagas explaining what had happened before and afterwards. For instance, they composed a number of tragic "Returns," telling how the Greek survivors of the ten-year war sailed home, but were either wrecked on the voyage or driven far out of their course, and returned only to find their wives unfaithful and their thrones usurped.

The Odyssey, though invariably ascribed to Homer, was composed at least a hundred and fifty years later than the Iliad and the atmosphere is altogether different: sweeter, more humorous, more civilized. The Iliad is a poem about and for men, the Odyssey (despite its male hero) is a poem about and for women. Whoever wrote it had read the greater part of the Homeric sagas which are still extant in whole or part, except the very latest, and seems to have worked from an original Return of Odysseus. But the saga has been recast, only the prologue and a few score lines being preserved more or less as they stood. The original Odysseus, it seems, found his wife Penelope living riotously with fifty lovers, all of whom he killed on his return to Ithaca, and after sending her home to her father in disgrace, was himself accidentally transfixed with a sting-ray spear by his long-lost son Telemachus, who had landed unannounced and did not recognize him. Odysseus's "many cities," mentioned in the prologue, have been reduced to two and the rest replaced by ungeographical islands borrowed from an entirely different story—an allegorical myth of one Ulysses, famous for his frequent cunning evasions of death. But once the saga element and the allegorical element have been isolated, what remains of the Odyssey is intimate domestic description of Greek provincial life in the far west about the year 750 B.C. The central character is Princess Nausicaa, daughter of King Alcinous and Queen Arete of Phaeacia—another ungeographical place.

Apollodorus, the leading classical authority on Greek myths, records a tradition that the real scene of the poem was the Sicilian seaboard, and in 1896 Samuel Butler, the author of Erewhon, came independently to the same conclusion. He suggested that the poem, as we now have it, was composed at Drepanum, the modern Trapani, in Western Sicily, and that the authoress was the girl self-portrayed as Nausicaa. None of his classical contemporaries, for whom Homer was necessarily both blind and bearded, deigned to pay Butler's theory the least attention; and since he had, as we now know, dated the poem some three hundred years too early and not explained how a Sicilian princess could have passed off her saga as Homer's, his two books on the subject are generally dismissed as a good-humoured joke.

Nevertheless, while working on an explanatory dictionary of Greek myths, I found Butler's arguments for a Western Sicilian setting and for a female authorship irrefutable. I could not rest until I had written this novel. It re-creates, from internal and external evidence, the circumstances which induced Nausicaa to write the Odyssey, and suggest how, as an honorary Daughter of Homer, she managed to get it included in the official canon. Here is the story of a high-spirited and religious-minded Sicilian girl who saves her father's throne from usurpation, herself from a distasteful marriage, and her two younger brothers from butchery by boldly making things happen, instead of sitting still and hoping for the best.

  • 誓言 (龙人日志系列#7)

    誓言 (龙人日志系列#7)

    在《誓言》(龙人日志#7),凯特琳和迦勒发现,自己来到了中世纪的苏格兰,在1350年,在骑士和金甲的年代,在城堡和战士的年代,在寻求传说中包含真正的龙人不死之谜的圣杯的年代。他们降落在古代的斯凯岛,一个西苏格兰偏远的岛屿,在这里,生活着最精锐的战士,而且还接受了训练,他们欣喜若狂与山姆和波利团聚,还有斯嘉丽和露丝,一个人类国王和他的战士,以及艾登所有的家族成员。在他们可以继续完成使命,找到第四把也是最后一把钥匙的之前,迦勒和凯特琳举行了婚礼。在凯特琳从没想过的惊人大背景下,精心策划了一场龙人婚礼,包括所有的古老仪式和典礼。这是由波利和其他人精心策划的,一场永恒的婚礼。凯特琳和迦勒从来都没有如此幸福过。同时,山姆和波利,连他们自己都感到惊讶的是,都深深地爱上了彼此。随着他们关系的加深,山姆用用自己的誓言,给了波利惊喜。而波利则用她自己的令人震惊的消息给了他惊喜。但这一切美好的的表面之下。布雷克再次出现了,就在她的婚礼的前一天,他对凯特琳深深的爱,威胁到了她的团聚。塞拉再次出现,也并誓言要拆散她不能拥有的爱情。斯嘉丽也是,她发现自己处于危险之中,她的深层力量开始显现——伴随着她真实父母身份的显露。最糟糕的是,凯尔也跟着穿越了回来,并找到了他的老门生,Rynd,迫使他使用他的变身技能,以欺骗和杀害凯特琳和她的朋友。当他们落入他的精心陷阱中时,凯特琳和其他人发现,自己比以往任何时候都陷入了深深的危险。这将是一场比赛,在凯特琳所珍视的人都被消灭之前,她需要找到最后的钥匙。这一次,她将不得不做出她生活中最困难的选择和牺牲。《誓言》是龙人日志第七部(继《转变》、《爱》、《背叛》、《命中注定》、《理想》、《订婚》之后) ,但它也可以作为一本独立的小说。《誓言》越有60000字。
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    A Kiss and a Promise

    Once, Judith Sommerville and Alexis Vasilis were engaged. But that was a long time ago, and when Judith takes the position of caretaker to Alexis' young nephew, she believes their past will not interfere with her job. But Alexis has different plans. Even though their relationship has been over for years, he still wants Judith--and his kisses fill her with raging desire. But marriage is no longer on the table--or is it?
  • The Sexual Life of Catherine M.

    The Sexual Life of Catherine M.

    A national best-seller that was featured on such lists as The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, The Boston Globe, and Publishers Weekly, The Sexual Life of Catherine M. was the controversial sleeper hit of the year. Since her youth, Catherine Millet, the eminent editor of Art Press, has led an extraordinarily active and free sexual life -- from al fresco encounters in Italy to a gang bang on the edge of the Bois du Boulogne to a high-class orgy at a chichi Parisian restaurant. A graphic account of sex stripped of sentiment, of a life of physical gratification and a relentlessly honest look at the consequences -- both liberating and otherwise -- have created this candid, powerful, and deeply intelligent depiction of unfettered sexuality.
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