沃伦·巴菲特被世人誉为股神,他所创造的种种奇迹,在投资界被传为佳话。毫不夸张地说,他是当今世界最为精明的股市投资者。他那独特、深刻但又易于理解和操作的投资智慧和哲学已成为全球股票投资者的“圣经” !为了满足广大投资者的需求,我们精心编写了探讨投资智慧的书籍《巴菲特最有价值的8条投资商律》。本书共分为8大部分,分别详细阐述、深度挖掘了巴菲特最为独特、最具可操作性的八条投资规则。在阐述股神巴菲特全新的投资理论或策略的同时,并结合大量投资界案例加以分析,极具可读性。此外,巴菲特精辟而深刻的言论,也会在瞬间激发读者的灵感,让自己有所启发,从中受益。The Chronicles of Faerie
Dana Faolan, the spunky half-faerie heroine of The Light-Bearer's Daughter, the third book in The Chronicles, has been using her access to the land of Faerie to escape the troubles of being a teenager in a new town. But a dark, mysterious enemy is determined to sever the two worlds forever, thus dooming both. It will take all of Dana's bravery and resourcefulness, plus the help of friends old and new, to save her two homes, especially when it becomes clear that the answer lies in an act of terrible sacrifice. Just as the previous books explored Ireland's rich folkloric history, The Book of Dreams delves into the magical lore of Canada. Melling delivers another "compelling blend of mythology and geography" (School Library Journal, starred review) that will thrill fans of the series.