With wit and verve, the prize-winning author of Sexing the Cherry and Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit brings the mythical figure of Atlas into the space age and sets him free at last. In her retelling of the story of a god tricked into holding the world on his shoulders and his brief reprieve, she sets difficult questions about the nature of choice and coercion, how we choose our own destiny and at the same time can liberate ourselves from our seeming fate. Finally in paperback, Weight is a daring, seductive addition to Canongate's ambitious series of myths by the world's most acclaimed authors.做官要学曾国藩,经商要学胡雪岩大全集(超值金版)
一个人若只知道曾国藩、胡雪岩做了什么,那只是皮毛之见,只有读懂 了曾国藩、胡雪岩为什么“这么做”,继而知道自己该“怎么做”,那才算 读活了他们,也读活了自己。曾国藩与胡雪岩是同一时代的人。他们一官一商,在清朝的历史舞台上 演绎了一幕大剧,给后人留下了丰富的财富。现代人流行一种说法。大格局:变动中的中国区域发展战略布局